Verna Haywood

The First Health & Wellness Coach

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About Verna Haywood

Verna Haywood Coaching

Verna Haywood

Verna Haywood Qualifications: BSc Hons ISM, Certified Insight Coach, Certified IQA, Certified AET, Certified Wholistic Therapist, Health & Wellness Consultant

Verna has been through a very turbulent life; she was fighting to come out of an abusive relationship while she was living in the Caribbean and relocated to the UK. This is where she had to rebuild herself and her life. The experience that Verna went through didn’t bring her down, but rather she saw this as a reference point to give back and to help people who have been down a similar path. Her main aim is to guide both men and women who are looking for ways to heal from the inside out and to get in touch with their divine purpose.

Verna believes that there is a way to use what you have been through, no matter how bad or traumatic it may have been to create a Wholistic experience, making sure that your mind, body and soul are intact.

Our Mission

Giving a Wholistic approach to your life

Verna has been through a very turbulent life, but she sees this as a reference point to give back and help people who have been down a similar path. She aims to guide men and women to find their light to freedom with her programme Unstoppable Resilience three (3Rs) powerful practices to stand in their power by releasing limiting beliefs; programme their minds and claiming their Unstoppable Victorious Harmonious Lives. Despite being abused and having a quite different journey in her own personal life, Verna believes that there is a way to use what you have been through, no matter how bad or traumatic it may have been to create a Wholistic experience, making sure that your mind, body, and soul are intact.


About Verna Haywood

Verna Haywood Coaching

Verna Haywood

Verna Haywood is the embodiment of resilience and empowerment, serving as the Owner and Founder of The Unstoppable Life. With a mission deeply rooted in personal development, Verna extends her guidance to women and men who have survived the harrowing experiences of childhood molestation, sexual abuse, and domestic violence. Drawing from her own journey of overcoming these adversities, Verna is driven by a passion to help others reclaim their power and nurture intentional self-compassion, anchored in the boundless love of God.
As the host of the inspirational podcast, “Unstoppable Life with Verna Haywood,” she provides a platform for fellow survivors to share their healing narratives, fostering a community of support and understanding. Verna is also an author, penning affirmations and poetry that served as pillars of strength during her own transformative journey. Currently, she is diligently working on her forthcoming book, “Unstoppable Resilience to Take Your Power Back,” a testament to her unwavering commitment to empowerment and healing. Verna is also the creator of the transformative course, “Unstoppable Resilience: Three Powerful Practices to Take Your Power Back,” guiding individuals on a path towards reclaiming their strength and autonomy. In addition to her impactful work, Verna is a beacon of resilience in her own right, having triumphed over cancer. She finds solace and joy in the kitchen, crafting nourishing meals as a means to combat illness. When not advocating for change or cooking up a storm, Verna finds inspiration in literature, music, and exploring new destinations. Through her multifaceted endeavours, Verna Haywood continues to illuminate the path towards healing, empowerment, and living an unstoppable life.

Our Mission

At Verna’s Core, my mission is to turn my own journey through adversity into a guiding light for others. Having faced numerous challenges, I now dedicate myself to helping men and women find their path to personal freedom through my transformative program, Unstoppable Resilience. Using the powerful 3Rs—Release, Reprogram, and Reclaim—I aim to assist you in shedding limiting beliefs, reshaping your mindset, and embracing a life of unstoppable victory and harmony. My goal is to empower a million individuals to discover their inner light and create a balanced, vibrant life where mind, body, and soul thrive together. Let’s embark on this transformative journey together, turning every challenge into a stepping stone toward a brighter, more empowered future.





Illuminating the Path: My Mission to Empower Others:

“Transform your pain into power.”

My path to becoming a beacon of hope and healing has been anything but easy. As a cancer survivor, I’ve stared into the abyss of uncertainty, grappling with the fragility of life and the boundless power of the human spirit. Today, I stand as a testament to the power of revitalization, courage, and faith, ready to face whatever challenges may come my way with a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

As I believe in:

“Every setback is a setup for a comeback.”


Join Me on My Journey: Towards Resilience and Renewal:

“The path to healing begins with self-compassion.”

Drawing upon my extensive training as an advanced massage therapist over 13 years, I offer wholistic approaches to well-being that go beyond the surface level.

              “Believe in the power of your resilience.”

My hands are not just instruments of touch; they are vessels of healing, conduits of compassion, and bridges to the soul. Through therapeutic touch and empathetic support, I help my clients release physical tension, untangle emotional knots, and dissolve spiritual blockages.

           Remember you are stronger than you know, braver than you think.”


Together, we embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. So, if you’re ready to revitalize your mind, renew your spirit, and reflect on the boundless possibilities that lie within, I invite you to take my hand and step into the transformative embrace of healing and hope.

Together, we’ll navigate the twists and turns of life’s journey, where the magic happens.”